First Communion

Parish Summer Camps in 2025

Posted : Jan-23-2025

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Its been double digits into the negative for weather in recent days, so the idea of a sunny and warm day at your parish with the sound of kids running around outside or singing on the inside may feel like a long time away. For people not regularly attuned to the ebb and flow of preparing for children's camps in the summer, such experiences can seem to just "appear" in June or July. The truth is, January is the time to 'get cracking.' Effective and successful summer camps start in January with "save the date" promotions and basic information packages because schedule-conscious parents begin mapping out their plans for their families and kids for the summer in January and February.

2024 was a record-breaking year of parish run summer camps for kids across the Archdiocese of Toronto. Forty-five parishes offered summer camp experiences for kids last summer. A total of sixty-six camps were offered through these parishes when combining Totus Tuus based camps and parish's independently run summer camps (most such parishes ran multiple weeks of camps). In total, over 3,599 campers registered for summer camp experiences at Catholic parishes in our Archdiocese (that we know of, so that number is the "low end”).

If your parish has an active youth ministry, or hopes to have one started in 2025, a summer camp week at the parish can be a great place to start! If you have thoughts or interest in making 2025 the year you provide a camp experience for your parish kids and the community around your parish, contact the Office of Catholic Youth at 416-599-7676 or

Watch our video on Parish Summer Camps
