“Catholic parishioners have been buried together as a family and a community who have lived and shared their faith together at St. Mary’s Church”
Minnie Howard states in her history of the Catholic Church in Collingwood that “one of the disabilities the Catholics laboured under in the early settlement of the town was the great distance from a Catholic Cemetery. (The original cemetery was on the 4th line (Fairgrounds Rd) and 13th side road just outside of Creemore.
In 1859, during the pastorate of Father Northgraves, Thomas Long and Charles Patton were commissioned to purchase the present cemetery situated on Raglan St, from Dr. Langtry at a cost of $300.00. From that time onward, our Catholic parishioners have been buried together as a family and a community who have lived and shared their faith together at St. Mary’s Church.
For anyone interested in purchasing a plot in the cemetery please call the parish office at 705 445 1790.
Price List: Cemetery Price List 2024.pdf
Bylaws: St. Mary's Cemetery ByLaw Booklet.pdf